If you die without a valid will, your money and possessions may not go to the people you would like them to.
A will is the only way to make sure your savings and possessions (your estate) go to the people and causes that you care about. A will is not obligatory but it is highly advisable.
If you have money and possessions in more than one country, or you have a will but have since changed your country of residency, you need to be sure that your wishes are completely covered.
The Age in Spain will writing service is here to help.
About Age in Spain's will writing service
The Age in Spain will writing service will help you to make a Spanish will to cover your assets in Spain or an International will which covers your assets in more than one country. The service is provided by an English speaking lawyer with experience of helping expatriates in Spain. The will is written in Spanish, with a copy in English, so you know exactly what it contains.
The will writing service is available to you wherever you live. It can be done from the comfort of your own home. The lawyer will contact you to discuss your requirements and answer any questions. Then the will is drafted and sent to you to check. You can contact the lawyer at any time if you have questions. Once you are completely satisfied with the will, the lawyer will send the original will to a notary in your locality and official copies to you. The lawyer will help you make an appointment to visit the notary to register the will (which you have to do in person). The notary will register the will in Madrid on the official central register. This completes the process.
The package
The Age in Spain will writing service, provided in English by a fully qualified Spanish lawyer, will
Check the status of any will you currently have
Explain the rules about inheritance that apply to your personal situation (whether you are resident in Spain, the UK or elsewhere)
Help you make a new will (either in addition to your current will, or to replace it) that is valid in Spain and if needed, internationally
The will making service cost of the complete service, including the notary fees is 225€ for a simple will that is valid in Spain and internationally. There are no extra charges.
If you have more complex circumstances, the lawyer will give you a personalised quote in advance so that you know exactly what the service will cost.
How to enquire
Please send an email to Wills@ageinspain.org and the Age in Spain lawyer will contact you personally.
The service is completely confidential.
Your enquiry is free - there is no up front fee.
You will be given a personal quote for the service of your choice by the lawyer.
Before making your will, it is a good idea to plan what you want to include and who you want to benefit.
If you are interested in speaking to a UK based lawyer, as you are considering a will for both the UK and for Spain, you can contact Claudia Font: mylawyer@ageinspain.org, at GunnerCooke solicitors. She can also help deal with all legal issues, visa applications, property related processes and more. She is qualified to advise on legal documents that are valid in Spain and the UK.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on our Infoline. Call us on +34 932 20 97 41 or email us at info@ageinspain.org
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Age in Spain provides information about service providers for information only. This list is not exhaustive, and is subject to change at any time. None of the service providers are endorsed or recommended by Age in Spain. You should research whether a service provider will be suitable. Age in Spain does not accept any liability arising to any person for any loss or damage suffered through using these service providers or this information.