Fundraise for Age in Spain
We will help you all the way
Whether you’re new to fundraising or have plenty of experience there are so many ways you can fundraise on you own, at work or with friends, here are few ideas for inspiration.
Coffee Morning
Tea Party
Jumble/nearly new sale
Auction of Promises
Craft fair
Music event
Paella Night
Charity raffle
Fun Run
Easter Egg Hunt
Wine tasting
Talent Competition
Comedy Night
Christmas panto
Want to help someone change their life for the better?
By fundraising for Age in Spain, you can help us to be there for older people with vital friendship and support when we're needed most.
Raise money for Age in Spain and we will help you all the way.
What your fundraising can achieve for Age in Spain
€50 will train an Infoline volunteer to provide caring and timely telephone assistance to people who are struggling to manage the practicalities when faced with loss of a partner, dependency and care needs.
€100 will pay for a home visit to a vulnerable, isolated person with follow up support to access vital services to help maintain their health and independence. and support. will keep our Infoline open for three hours a week every week of the year.
€500 will provide a reqular weekly Friendline call to a lonely older person every week of the year.